Sweatlodges or Inipi (which means life within in Lakota language), are an ancient practice used in indigenous tribes, whereby a womb like structure is created and hot rocks are placed inside, whilst participants sit in circle and sweat their prayers.
We start each ceremony by lighting the fire, making offerings to the 7 sacred directions and getting the stones hot enough to place inside the lodge. The Ceremony will last 4 rounds, or 4 doors, and each length of the ceremony will be different - depending on the healing that is needed for the specific group people.
By entering the Inipi - we are entering the womb of Mother Earth.
We will work with the elements of Grandfather Fire, She is there to hear our prayers. To help us heal ourselves now, and do the work for future generations to come. To heal ourselves from cultural grief and ancestral traumas. To heal our spirits to heal our bodies too.
A sweatlodge is a deep purification ritual for your body (both physically and emotionally).
By following the many protocols of this ceremony - the power of creation will answer all our prayers...
My training is from the lineage of Chipps Family from the Lakota Sioux tribe in South Dakota, and I have trained for 6 years with my teacher.
If you would like me to host a Sweatlodge on your land or for a special occasion, please get in touch.
"Thank you for such a deep and healing sweat. I found this was a perfect space to really go in and face some aspects of myself I have been aware of but avoiding. Sitting in the sweat I got to see how my actions are impacting my life and made a vow to clear and shift into a new kinder and more balanced me. I am looking forward to coming back and diving deep. Such powerful work and held so safely and supportively by Stewart and Marie - Hélène." CF