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Cleansing Ceremony

A cleansing ceremony is an amazing opportunity to purifying yourself from any actions or thoughts that may have violated the preciousness of life.

A cleansing ceremony is useful for those who have undergone dark periods in their life, also for those who have been suicidal, had an abortion or other major life challenges. In traditional use, the ceremony was conducted after men had returned from war, to cleanse them from the participation of death.

The ceremony is not in a traditional group setting but undertaken on your own in a sweat lodge structure with a fire keeper, with other healing practices afterwards.


The goal is to restore harmony and wellness within you, your family and community. It is the best way that exists to detoxify body, mind and spirit in order to bring back balance and energy in one’s life; equally a way to surrender and recognise life’s bountiful gifts.

We invite you to take part in this journey of healing in private settings in Sussex. Half a day will be spent in ceremony and the rest in connection with nature in beautiful woodlands. .

In order to provide the holding for this deep nature connection work the day is offered to two participants only, so book early.

Please contact me at the details below for further information.

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